Vomiting in Newborns After Feeding, What to Do & How To Prevent It?

vomiting of newborn vomiting newborn vomiting in newborn vomiting in newborn after feeding vomiting newborn after feeding vomiting newborn after breastfeeding Vomiting in Newborns After Feeding: What to Do?

When your newborn vomits after feeding, it can be a cause for concern. You may not know what to do or whether you should call your doctor.

Vomiting in newborns is most often caused by feeding problems, such as reflux or overfeeding. It can also be a sign of other issues, such as a stomach virus or food poisoning. If your newborn is vomiting after every feeding or vomiting more than once a day, be sure to call your doctor.

In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of vomiting in newborns after feeding, and what you can do to help your baby feel better.

Vomiting in Newborns: What to Do

If your newborn vomits after feeding, it can be alarming. But don’t worry, it’s often nothing to worry about. In most cases, vomiting after feeding is simply the result of your baby’s having swallowed too much air.

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help prevent your baby from vomiting after feeding.

First, make sure to position your baby so their head is slightly elevated when they’re nursing or drinking from a bottle. This will help reduce the amount of air they swallow.

You can also try burping your baby more frequently during and after feeding. And finally, make sure that you’re not overfeeding them. A little bit of vomit is usually no cause for concern, but if your baby is vomiting often or seems to be in pain, please consult your doctor.

Why Does My Newborn Vomit After Feeding?

Know The Causes Of Vomiting In Baby.

There are several reasons why vomiting in babies happens.

One reason is the fact that the baby has not been fed properly. Another reason is that the mother has consumed alcohol during pregnancy. If the mother is suffering from anemia then she might also vomit.

But there can be a variety of reasons why your newborn vomits after feeding.

Here are some of the most common ones:

  • The baby may have eaten too fast and swallowed a lot of air. This will cause them to burp, and sometimes vomit.
  • The baby may have smelled something bad or tasted something sour, which made them sick.
  • The baby may not have been hungry when they were fed, leading to them vomiting later on.
  • The milk or formula they were given may not have been to their liking and they vomited as a result.
  • There can be other reasons why a baby vomits after feeding, but these are some of the most common ones. If your baby is vomiting regularly, make sure you take them to see a doctor.

What Can I Do to Prevent Vomiting in My Newborn?

Understand The Symptoms And Treatments For Vomiting In Baby

Vomiting in babies is quite common. This occurs when the baby does not consume enough food. Sometimes, the baby vomits due to some other reason as well. However, if the baby is having diarrhea, then he/she will vomit too.

You can take a few steps to help prevent your newborn from vomiting after feeding.

First, make sure you’re burping your baby correctly after every feeding. Also, try to keep your baby upright for at least 20 minutes after feeding.

If your baby does vomit, don’t panic. Just use a cloth to clean up the mess and then give your baby a small amount of water or Pedialyte to drink. If the vomiting continues, call your doctor.

Avoid Certain Foods That May Cause Vomiting In Baby.

There are certain foods that may cause vomiting in babies. These include dairy products, spicy foods, and alcohol.

If you notice any such symptoms in your child, then avoid these foods. Also, make sure that your baby gets plenty of fluids.

Do Not Give Too Much Liquid Or Food To the Baby During Feeding.

You should not give too much liquid or food to the baby during feeding. This will lead to vomiting in the baby.

So, do not give too much water or milk to the baby when he/she is hungry. Instead, feed him/her with small amounts of food at regular intervals.

How Often Should My Newborn Vomit?

If your newborn is vomiting after feeding, the first thing you should do is call your doctor. Newborn vomiting can be a sign of a number of different things, from a simple stomach bug to something more serious.

Your doctor will be able to tell you what’s causing the vomiting and how to treat it. In most cases, your baby will just need to drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.

But there are a few things you can do to help make your baby feel better in the meantime. Make sure they’re drinking plenty of fluids (breastmilk or formula), keep them hydrated by giving them ice chips or popsicles, and give them small amounts of Pedialyte or Gatorade to help replace lost electrolytes.

Is It Normal for My Breastfed Newborn to Vomit?

So is it normal for my breastfed newborn to vomit? The answer is kind of complicated.

Normally, vomiting is a sign that something isn’t right. In babies, it can be a sign that they’re not getting enough nutrition, or that they have a gastrointestinal issue. But vomiting can also be caused by something as simple as a virus.

The best way to figure out what’s happening is to talk to your pediatrician. They’ll be able to do a physical exam and get some test results, and then they’ll be able to give you some guidance on how to proceed.

In the meantime, make sure your baby is drinking plenty of fluids and try to keep them hydrated. If they’re vomiting more than once a day, or if they’re vomiting blood, then you need to take them to the ER right away.

Is It Normal for My Formula-Fed Newborn to Vomit?

It’s normal for newborns to vomit after feeding, especially if they’re formula-fed.

There are a few things you can do to help reduce the chances of your newborn vomiting after feeding:

  • Make sure you burp your baby as often as possible during and after feeds.
  • Try to keep your baby in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after feeding.
  • If your baby is formula-fed, make sure you’re using the right formula and that you’re mixing it correctly.
  • If you think your baby might be allergic to something in the formula, talk to your doctor.


Although vomiting in newborns after feeding is a common occurrence, it can be scary for both parents and babies. In most cases, the vomiting will stop on its own, and there is no need for treatment. However, if your baby continues to vomit or experiences other symptoms, please consult your doctor.


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